Friday, April 20, 2012

Ancillary: Film Magazine Review Page

We just finished our second ancillary. This was a Film Magazine Review Page. We made up a name, Film Mag, to name the magazine we were writing the review for. The page contains an image of our main character, Kamran, a few Behind The Scenes images of me and my partner Saad Tariq, and our Film Poster as well. It was designed on Adobe Photoshop CS5 and was a teamwork by me and Saad tariq.

Ancillary: Film Poster

We just completed our first ancillary, which is a Film Poster. We made this using Adobe Photoshop CS5. It was a teamwork by me and my partner Saad Tariq. We used screen shots from our own short film Ragged 2wice as well as a separate image taken of Kamran, our protagnist. we gave the images of the antagonists a thought cloud like shape, which shows that Kamran saw these people in a dream.

We have also shown him take of a red tie, the one which he wears in the film when he is ragged and told to dance. Our tag line is also something that indicates to Kamran's dream. The word "Nightmare" is used to give a hint of it. However, the film poster speaks about the film, without giving away the real juice of the story.

We also used a font to write the credits at the end of the poster, to make it look like a real film poster.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Audience Feedback

We had our film screening on the 9th of April, which was a Monday. All the media students from the AS and A level batch screened their media products. we got very good responses from the audience present at the screening. We even handed out a few questionnaires to different people. The feedback was encouraging. Everyone liked our film. Below is the video of the feedback of the audience and the Q/A round at the end of the screening. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ragged 2wice: Short Film

This is our final film, Ragged 2wice. We screened our film on the 9th of April in our school. The response the audience gave was very good.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Music for our Short Film

We had a bit of change in plans. We were supposed to ask a fellow student for some help in music, but instead we used music by a composer by the name of Kevin MacLeod. He is a free lance music producer. His music is royalty free and he lets people use it for free, specially students. He works on almost all the genres of music, be it for horror, romance, drama, action, suspense or company. Many of his music tracks have been used in famous films, specially the horror music tracks. We have selected a few of his music tracks for our film. In AS, we used his soundtracks for our opening title. This time, we believe, our film will be better than it was, with the assistance of his music. We will mention his name in the title for Background Score. This is his website which contains royalty free music:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

First Cut

Here are the Rushes of our short film, Ragged 2wice. This only contains the raw footage without any music any extra enhancements and it is unedited. This light editing was done on Adobe Premier Pro CS4.

We will not be using many transitions in our film, however, we will use a few fades and slow motion with the audio and video of the film. We also need to add music. The music will be by Kevin MacLeod, because his music is good. We used his music last year as well. We will also use Adobe After Effects CS4 to make the title of our film.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Done With Shooting

We completed our shooting just at our deadline day, i.e. the 10th of February. The shooting experience was great for us. We had encountered some problems with our actors and some management problem because our actors were students and teachers and our school was the location. We had to extend some times, quicken some shots and just do things in a short time span, but we managed to pull everything off in the nick of time.

We had a shoot log, on which we recorded all the shots that we took with their timings and their. We wrote the time, the shot number and scene number and the battery as well. We also wrote whether the shot we took was acceptable or not but just putting a tick in front of it.